ovary up, bitches
Day 1: A song by your favorite band or artist.
Day 2: Your favorite song.
Day 3: A song from your favorite album.
Day 4: Your favorite video.
Day 5: A song from the first album you bought.
Day 6: A song from the last album you bought.
Day 7: A song from the first concert you went to.
Day 8: A song from the last concert you went to.
Day 9: Put your music on random. What is the first song that plays?
Day 10: Turn on your favorite radio station, what song is playing right now?
Day 11: A song you had stuck in your head at some point today.
Day 12: A song with a number in the title.
Day 13: A song with a color in the title.
Day 14: A song with a geographic location in the title.
Day 15: A song with a unit of time in the title.
Day 16: A song that mentions technology in the title.
Day 17: A song that mentions weather in the title.
Day 18: A song with a unit of spatial measurement in the title.
Day 19: A song with an animal in the title.
Day 20: A song with someone’s name in the title.
Day 21: A guilty pleasure song.
Day 22: A song that reminds you of someone or something.
Day 23: A song that helped you through a breakup.
Day 24: A song that you’ve quoted in a Facebook post.
Day 25: A song you sung for karaoke.
Day 26: A song that you’ve danced to.
Day 27: A song you first heard in a commercial.
Day 28: A song you first heard on a TV show.
Day 29: A song you first heard in a movie.
Day 30: Half Way Point! Just post any song that you think more people should hear.
Day 31: A song by a local artist or band.
Day 32: A song by an artist you’ve met.
Day 33: A song with all or some of its lyrics in a foreign language.
Day 34: A song whose title is not in the lyrics of the song.
Day 35: A song that tells a story.
Day 36: A song that annoys you.
Day 37: A song you’ve used as a ringtone.
Day 38: A song you have on vinyl.
Day 39: A song you really like the guitar part to.
Day 40: A song you really like the drums to.
Day 41: A song you like the bass part to.
Day 42: A song you like the keyboard/piano part to.
Day 43: A song you really like the lyrics to.
Day 44: A song that has a cool guitar solo.
Day 45: If you were a professional wrestler, what would your entrance theme be?
Day 46: A song by an artist or band that isn’t in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, but you think should be.
Day 47: A song by a band that you recently started listening to.
Day 48: A song by a band that you’ve liked for at least a decade.
Day 49: A song by the band that you have the most albums by.
Day 50: A song by the band that you’ve seen live the most.
Day 51: A song by a band that you discovered when they opened for another band.
Day 52: A song by a band or artist that you like because of your parents.
Day 53: A song by a band or artist that you like because of a friend.
Day 54: A song by a band that you discovered before your friends did.
Day 55: A song you like from a genre of music that you don’t normally like.
Day 56: A song you like from an artist or band that you don’t normally like.
Day 57: A song that has influenced you.
Day 58: The last song you listened to.
Day 59: A song you want played at your funeral.
Day 60: You finished the challenge! Choose a victory song. - 20.03
Сначала мне показалось, что в новом альбоме этого исполнителя нет таких крутых песен, как Iron или RBR, но прислушавшись... Это WIN!)
А с этой песней я несколько дней просыпаюсь - не на будильнике, а в голове!:) И я люблю ее!) И мелодия восхитительная) Да и вообще - побеждает любовь!

Woodkid – I Love You

@темы: музыка, мобы

29.01.2013 в 07:44

The only one standing in the way of your happiness is you (c)
Наташа Королева! Дааа!
29.01.2013 в 08:31

ovary up, bitches
А я думала, что в этом-то вопросе я совсем одинока:)))
29.01.2013 в 09:05

The only one standing in the way of your happiness is you (c)
ты что! я пела ее песни в микрофон с кассетным магнитофоном!
29.01.2013 в 09:21

ovary up, bitches
Уху!!! Ласточка-ласточка, ты передай привееееет!:)
14.02.2013 в 21:50

The only one standing in the way of your happiness is you (c)
Day 25: A song you sung for karaoke. -
а ты говоришь, что слуха нет и диапазон маленький. не самая легкая песня, между прочим))
14.02.2013 в 21:56

ovary up, bitches
не самая легкая песня, между прочим))
то что я ее пою, не значит, что у меня хорошо выходит)))