Название: Letter
Статус: закончен
Рейтинг: G
Размер: мини
Саммари: Мысленный монолог Мастера, обращенный к его жене Люси, в форме небольшого письма.
My dearest Lucy,
Since we first met, I've never meant to hurt you. Only now, released from this drums, I'm starting to understand how painful and destructive all my behavior was for you.
My lovely, sweetest flower. My Lucy.
I want to turn back time, but I, time lord, can't even even move in space not mention time.
Such a cruel irony to be closed in a deepest prison of Gallifrey in the deepest prison of time! Russilon and his warriors comes to my cell time to time to make sure that I am still here. They still afraid me, and I'm laughing out aloud when I'm thinking about it. That scares them to death. Oh, Lucy, I promise you I'll find the way out of here and the way to save you. I just need one T.A.R.D.I.S. and I've got the whole planet where they grow. For you, my beloved, I'll do all impossible things I would have to. Rassilon have the reason to keep me here, but he's not insane enough to get out of time trap. This is why he needs me and I'm still alive, and I'm just waiting for right moment to make my move.
Staying for months alone I have so many time for thoughts. The more I look inside, the more clear I see the picture. I can't forget your eyes in that last two times we meet. You hated me so much that tried to kill me. Both times. And you still hate me now, when you come to my dreams. I forgive you for every shoot you made, for every knife you put into my body. Your eyes full of hate drives me crazy every time, when your hallucination comes to visit me in my chains. I become mad, but I'm continue to believe that only you could fix this.
It was my fault, I broke you, as I was broken with this Vortex heart. My own illness came to you and ruined paradise gardens in your soul. I can't heal you, but I could try, if only you let me do this for you. Maybe the Doctor's right and it's time to become someone more than just a destroyer. But I can't help it when my true nature resists and orders me to kill. I'm not like him, not hiding behind the principles or moral. I'm doing only that things, that are needed to be made. And you, my darling, you're my inspiration!
I miss you Lucy. Too much to stay here for long. I'm going out for you, my love.
You are my only reason to come back. You are my only reason to go mad. You are one and only for me, and I'm coming to save you.
You'll see another life. I'll show you galaxies and planets so beautiful that you would forget all the pain. Oh, I'll show you Gallifrey! You would love it - the most beautiful part of the universe with it's rubies skies and grass color of pomegranate.
And let the Doctor will get out of my way because there is no any time lord who could ever stop me.
Your Master who kneel in front of you, your loving husband Harold Saxon.